Specialized Regional Water Seminar of Golestan Province

A specialized seminar on acquainting , selecting, installing and operating valves and fittings was held on October 7, 2019 at the Golestan Regional Water Organization. In this seminar, managers and experts of regional water organizations, urban water and sewage, rural water and sewage, contractors and consultants active in the water and sewage industry of Golestan province were present. The seminar ended with the focus on improving the level of technical knowledge as well as familiarity of managers and related experts with the production process and materials used in leading companies in the industry

The Nahrab Gostar is a group of manufacturer of Valves Fittings Composite

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Tangestan IV,  Ghazali Gharbi Boulevard,  Abu Reihan Boulevard, E shtehard Industrial Town,    Eshtehard, Alborz,IRAN

Phone : 2-37773930-026
fax : 37773932-026

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