Handing Orders


Handing Orders

The sales and marketing unit of Nahrabab Gostar Eshtehard Company consists of specialists and experts in sales and marketing, who all work together to provide decent services to customers.

You can send us your inquiries directly through the following communication channels

Fax: 021-22569144

Whatsapp: 09194957243

Email: Info@nahrab.net

Telephone number: 021-27640 ext. 101 and 102

Phone number for confirmation: 021-27640 ext. 101

The Nahrab Gostar is a group of manufacturer of Valves Fittings Composite

+ 0
Years Experience


Tangestan IV,  Ghazali Gharbi Boulevard,  Abu Reihan Boulevard, E shtehard Industrial Town,    Eshtehard, Alborz,IRAN

Phone : +98 26-37773930-2
fax : +98 26-37773932

central office

Unit 408, third and fourth floor, White Tower, Pasdaran St., Tehran, IRAN

phone: +98 21-27640

fax: +98 21-22569144