Request for a technical meeting


Request for a technical meeting

The technical and engineering unit of Nahrabab Gostar Eshtehard Company, in order to provide more detailed information about customers' research and operational projects, announces its readiness to hold technical meetings. The output of these sessions will generally lead to the correct selection of valves and their technical specifications.

You can send your requests directly to our colleagues in this section through the following communication channel.

Fax: 021-22569144

Whatsapp: 09194957243


Telephone number: 021-27640 ext. 101 and 102

Direct phone number: 021-27640 ext. 221

The Nahrab Gostar is a group of manufacturer of Valves Fittings Composite

+ 0
Years Experience


Tangestan IV,  Ghazali Gharbi Boulevard,  Abu Reihan Boulevard, E shtehard Industrial Town,    Eshtehard, Alborz,IRAN

Phone : 2-37773930-026
fax : 37773932-026

central office

Unit 408, third and fourth floor, White Tower, Pasdaran St., Tehran, IRAN

phone: 27640-021

fax: 22569144-021