PR - EXHIBITION International Agricultural Exhibition of Tehran January 2020 Tehran International Agricultural Exhibition was held on January 2020 at
Exhibitions and seminars held Iran 2019
Specialized Seminar of Petroleum
PR - CONFERENCE Specialized Seminar of Petroleum Industry Research Institute A specialized seminar on identifying, selecting, installing and operating valves
Specialized seminar of Toos
PR - CONFERENCE Specialized seminar of Toos Ab Consulting Engineering Company A specialized seminar on acquainting, selecting, installing and operating
Specialized Regional Water Seminar
PR - CONFERENCE Specialized Regional Water Seminar of Golestan Province A specialized seminar on acquainting , selecting, installing and operating
Golestan Agricultural Jahad Specialized
PR - CONFERENCE Golestan Agricultural Jahad Specialized Seminar October 2019 A specialized seminar on acquainting , selecting, installing and operating
Tehran International Water and
PR - EXHIBITION Tehran International Water and Wastewater Exhibition October 2019 The Tehran International Water and Waste Exhibition took place
International Facilities Exhibition
PR - EXHIBITION International Facilities Exhibition Tehran Facilities Exhibition was held at the end of October at the Tehran International
The Nahrab Gostar is a group of manufacturer of Valves Fittings Composite
Tangestan IV, Ghazali Gharbi Boulevard, Abu Reihan Boulevard, E shtehard Industrial Town, Eshtehard, Alborz,IRAN
Phone : +98 26-37773930-2
fax : +98 26-37773932
central office
Unit 408, third and fourth floor, White Tower, Pasdaran St., Tehran, IRAN
phone: +98 21-27640
fax: +98 21-22569144